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    Welcome to my Blog!

    Writing is how I relax from everyday stresses and pressures of life. I find it very therapeutic and energising. Very often, the value of the writing activity is the activity itself, rather than the output. Most of what I write therefore, gets quietly pushed aside, buried under a mound of paper, filed in an electronic folder forever...
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    The Boy With The Left Attitude

    “Oliver, you are already late for school, please come downstairs straightaway”, shouted Mrs Sparks to her 8-year-old son while standing at the bottom of the stairs. “I don’t feel well, I don’t want to go to school” mumbled Oliver from…

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    The Doctor Will Not See You Now

    Why is it that the medical profession assumes it is okay to waste our time with disdain? I can just about understand it when we go for state-funded consultation but, when it comes to private appointments paid for privately, surely…

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    Keeping Fit

    Going to the gym for Emma Spencer was a treat as a reward for all the “stuff” she had to deal with day in, day out. Although you wouldn’t think it was such a treat when you see her struggling…

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    Taking a Bumfie

    At the end of an alcohol fueled dinner party, Julia, Oliver, Thelma and Terry are having a pointless chat. Oliver: How do you dream? Terry: In my sleep of course, how do you dream? Oliver: No, I meant do you…

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    The Job Interview

    = Do you want the short or the long answer Mel? – Let’s start with the short answer first = She was CRAP! – But she had more than 10 years experience as PA to a major retailer CEO, how…

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    Business Articles

    Chicken or Pig?

    The workplace is a diverse coming together of people with differing backgrounds, skills, drive, ambition, and individual traits. Leaders and managers work hard at bringing together such an eclectic selection to form effective teams and build successful companies. However, no…

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    Best posts from Mufid

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    Lazarus and Me

    A Moment of Revelation
