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    Maggie is our much-loved three-year old labradoodle (cross between a Labrador and Poodle) dog. She is gentle with people, especially children, and highly enthusiastic.  Maggie’s default setting is that everyone is a friend; she craves human company and reciprocal affection…

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    Business Articles

    A Dog’s Tail Tale

    In a recent article on the BBC website it was argued that giving employees impressively sounding job titles can make a difference to their attitude towards work, making them better motivated, happier within themselves, and generally less stressed.  It transpired…

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    I am waiting in the arrival hall at Larnaca International Airport for my wife to arrive from London. An over-dressed, over made-up Eastern European woman, in her early sixties or thereabouts, emerges through the sliding doors of the arrival hall…

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    Le Chien N’est Pas Mort!

    I had a long-term assignment with a company based in Brussels.  Living in the UK meant I had to take the short flight on Monday mornings to the Belgian Capital and back to London or Birmingham on Friday nights.  I…

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