
  • Monthly Archives

    May 2021

    Eternal Palestine

    The Olive Tree

    Dear reader: in this post and further subsequent ones, I will talk about a number of trees which hold special places in the culture of the Palestinian people and have a significant influence on their way of life both in…

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    Eternal Palestine

    Kufiyah Falastiniah

    Special thanks to the talented Palestinian photographer ‘Ayman Abu Ramouz’ who captured the evocative image above. There are many variations to the name of this simple and popular headdress: Kufiyyeh, keffiyeh, Chufieyyeh, Hattah, Chadiyah, and many more; all refer to…

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    Elephants in the Room

    I really did not, and still do not, want to turn my blog into a political arena, passing views and opinions on various issues that I may or may not care to think about and in the process, invite lunatics…

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