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    Eternal Palestine

    Palestinian Embroidery

    I remember coming across the above picture (by the brilliant Palestinian photojournalist Osama Silwadi) a few years ago, featured in a Middle Eastern newspaper.  I never read the article that went with it, as I preferred to spend my time…

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    Eternal Palestine

    The Palestinian Dabkeh

    My special thanks to Sarah Canbel who took this amazing image of young Palestinians dancing the Dabkeh. Thank you, Maha for suggesting this joyous topic to further describe the Palestinian culture. All humanity on earth dance.  It is the visceral…

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    Eternal Palestine

    Kufiyah Falastiniah

    Special thanks to the talented Palestinian photographer ‘Ayman Abu Ramouz’ who captured the evocative image above. There are many variations to the name of this simple and popular headdress: Kufiyyeh, keffiyeh, Chufieyyeh, Hattah, Chadiyah, and many more; all refer to…

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    Calling Ashraf

    I cross the border between Jordan and Israel about twice a year for business purposes; I have done this for the last 5 years.  Being a keen mathematician, by my reckoning, this makes roughly 10 crossings one way and 10…

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