Disclaimer: You may have read this post before under a different title about four years ago.  If you had, I suggest you go get yourself a drink instead, it will be a better use of your time.

At the Immigration Desk at Washington Dulles Airport.  I placed my passport on the counter and the middle-aged immigration officer with a pair of half-moon glasses perched at the end of his nose, began to process my papers.

Him: Where did you come from?

Me: UK

Him: Are you here for business or pleasure?

Me: Business

Him: Who do you work for?


Him: What will you do at PHH?

Me: Attend the AGM

Him: What is your profession?

Me: I’m in I.T

Him: Is that right?

Me: Yes

Him: are you going to answer all my questions with just letters of the alphabet or will you use full words?

Me: It depends on your questions

Him: You seem bright enough to know it is more courteous to use full words and sentences instead of just letters, it makes people respect you more

The conversation went quickly downhill after that with me remaining defiant.  Reviewing the conversation in my head afterwards, I realised I was an obnoxious idiot and he should have declined my entry and sent back to the UK.  It was not my finest moment and I should have known better.