I have good news for you! Well, when I say ‘good news’, there are a couple of problems with this phrase. Firstly, it is not really news in the sense of accuracy and certainty; secondly, it rather depends on your personal view point whether you judge what I am about to tell you to be good or not so good. Apart from that, the phrase is absolutely fine.
Anyway, before I launch into telling you what the good news is, I need to explain that I have, and always had, a guardian angel who looks out for me and every now and again, she comes and talks to me about one thing or another so that I am re-assured and comforted that all will be well. The last time she visited and talked to me was about three years ago, not long after a major operation I had. She is always there but she doesn’t always make direct contact by way of speaking to me; she just does her thing silently and efficiently.
Anyway, last week she turned up out of the blue and told me something interesting. What she told me is what I consider to be ‘good news’. So, I am going to share with you the conversation I had with my guardian angel as far as I can remember it.
Angel: Hello, you know you have always wondered about what happens after death?
Me: Oh hi! I don’t ALWAYS wonder about the subject
Angel: Let’s not argue about that, let us just say you think about it often enough
Me: I am just fascinated by what happens to our thoughts, ideas and feelings after we die. Do they suddenly disappear into nothing just like our bodies stop functioning?
Angel: But you have not reached a conclusion on the subject
Me: Not really. This is why I envy people who have strong religious faith; they seem to have these questions resolved in their minds and hearts
Angel: Would you like to know what happens to people after they die?
Me: As a matter of fact, I would love to know. Can you tell me?
Angel: Very well but, I warn you, the answer is simple AND complicated and as such, may open up a new line of questions in your mind that even I don’t have the answers to
Me: I am willing to take the risk so, please tell me
Angel: The physical being or the body does stop functioning and begins to decay or if cremated, disintegrate into its constituent elements of biological and chemical components. But not the being itself, that carries on existing in its own world as though nothing had happened.
Me: Slow down a little please. What do you mean by ‘the being’?
Angel: Call it what you will; the mind, the soul, the personality, the being; the things that make you who you are. So, you continue to feel and think and create and so on
Me: But everyone knows that I have gone, body, mind and soul, right?
Angel: This is true and as far as everyone else in this world is concerned, you have gone, died, passed away, perished, went to heaven, etc. However, you continue existing in a parallel world of your own which is almost a replica of what your previous life was like just before you ceased to exist
Me: So, in my own mind, I have not died, right?
Angel: Yes. Whatever the reason for your death is averted or recovered from and you just carry on living.
Me: So, if someone shoots me or stabs me…
Angel: Either the bullet misses or it proves not to be fatal, depending on whether you were killed instantly or suffered serious wounds and went to hospital
Me: What if I have a terminal illness like a heart attack or advanced stage of cancer and so on?
Angel: You experience a miraculous recovery and after recouperation, you continue with life as normal
Me: What you are saying, I may well be dead in the original world but, in the parallel world, I just carry on with living and being active
Angel: Yes
Me: What about my family, friends and people I interact with on regular basis?
Angel: The ones in the original world mourn your loss and slowly get back to normal. The same people in the parallel world will celebrate your recovery or survival from the near shooting etc. and everyone carries on as normal
Me: But who are those family, friends and acquaintances in the parallel world?
Angel: They are your family and friends whom you have come to know, love and care about throughout your life. They are no different from the ones you left in the original world
Me: So, if a couple or two siblings die one after the other, do they join each other in the parallel world?
Angel: Not exactly. There are as many parallel worlds as there are people whoever died since life began on earth. So, when a husband dies, leaving a widow behind, he will have her in his parallel world. Unfortunately, when she dies, her husband will not be in her parallel world since he had already gone at the time of her death
Me: That’s harsh on the wife!
Angel: Maybe
Me: Wait, wait, wait! There is so much to process here. How long will I continue to exist in this parallel world?
Angel: Until the next time you have a major illness or get involved in a fatal accident. So, all you do is to move to the next parallel world, and so on.
Me: Does this ever stop?
Angel: No
Me: I don’t know what to say or think. I thought knowing what happens to me would help. I am not so sure now
Angel: Well, I felt you should know so you can stop wasting your time thinking about it and busy yourself with more fun things to do
Me: Is this a secret or can I share it with others?
Angel: It is up to you. If you were to share it with others I doubt if they would believe you anyway. I must go now; I have things to attend to
Me: Okay, one last question please?
Angel: Go ahead
Me: How do I know I am not already dead and I am actually in my first, second or even 7th parallel world?
Angel: You don’t
And with that, she disappeared as suddenly as she appeared.
An early Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Hi Mufid,
An interesting article . It is almost true . In our Moslem believe, this parallel life is called ALBARZAKH . You stay their until the day of resurrection. And it is only one single world and you will get to know all those you new in your earthy world and had passed away .
Best of luck in both your worlds .
I’ll take it!