
  • Monthly Archives

    February 2020

    Reflections, Shorties

    Leap Day Foundation Revisited

    Eight years ago, today, 29th February, a number of people gathered at the Londa Beach Hotel (Limassol, Cyprus), for the launch of the Leap Day Foundation (LDF).  This event, on the extra day in a leap year, kick-started many initiatives…

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    Mansplaining & Femanalysing

    Mansplain: when a man explains something, typically to a disinterested woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing. For example, explaining the off-side rule in football, Sudoku tactics, or the workings of the internal combustion engine. This word is…

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    Business Articles, Reflections

    At Your Disservice

    “Never trust a second-hand car salesman”.  That was the received wisdom ever since second-hand cars began to be traded over a 100 years ago.  As far as this stereotypical salesman was concerned, he would lie, cheat and make any promise…

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